1:BUILD_BY[name] student4 1:BUILD_ENVIRONMENT[operating system 32 vs 64] Ubuntu 64 1:DEPENDENCIES[list of dependencies with where to get them] Mercurial : downloaded by using $sudo apt-get install mercuial Ant : downloaded by using $sudo apt-get install ant Btrace: can be downloaded from http://kenai.com/projects/btrace 1:END_DEPENDENCIES 1:NOTES[notes on attempted build] I installed mercurial and then I tried to use the command $hg clone http://jikesrvm.hg.sourceforge.net:8000/hgroot/jikesrvm/jikesrvm I got abort: error: connection timed out, I tried 3 times and got the same error Installed ant succesfully and Btrace works student4@ubuntu:~/documents/oopsla12/kalabera$ btrace Usage: btrace [-s] [-t] [-w N] [-n N] [-b N] [-a ...] [-r ] ... given proper files as an input btrace will run 1:END_NOTES VERIFY:ANALYSIS_BY[name] VERIFY:STATUS[unknown,needed,not_needed,started,finished] unknown VERIFY:COMMENT[string]