1:BUILD_BY[name] student0 1:BUILD_ENVIRONMENT[operating system 32 vs 64] ubuntu 64 1:DEPENDENCIES[list of dependencies with where to get them] Use command "sbt piql/compile" to compile the specific piql project. sbt - scala compiler (I wrote a script that I put in the src folder) If sbt launcher is needed, download from "http://typesafe.artifactoryonline.com/typesafe/ivy-releases/org.scala-tools.sbt/sbt-launch/0.11.2/sbt-launch.jar" And place the .jar file in the directory specified by the compile message (you may need to create that directory.) Use command "sbt piql/test", which runs for a long time but succeeds in the end. 1:END_DEPENDENCIES 1:NOTES[notes on attempted build] 1:END_NOTES VERIFY:ANALYSIS_BY[name] VERIFY:STATUS[unknown,needed,not_needed,started,finished] unknown VERIFY:COMMENT[string]