SURVEY:SUMMARY:BUILD_DIFFICULTY[not_applicable, reasonable_effort, code_problematic or string] not_applicable SURVEY:SUMMARY:CLASSIFICATION[practical,theoretical,hardware] practical SURVEY:SUMMARY:CORRECT_CODE_LOCATION[string] What you appear to have found and run is the DrRacket IDE but NOT the optimization coach. The coach is available as a package for the latest release, see optimization coach has been re-integrated into the release due to demand, and it is available at the current snapshot release of Racket at will become the next release. SURVEY:SUMMARY:PUBLISHED_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] yes SURVEY:SUMMARY:SAME_VERSION[not_applicable, yes, no_but_available, no_and_not_available] yes SURVEY:SUMMARY:STUDY_FOUND_CORRECT_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] no SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_DIFFICULTY[not_applicable, reasonable_effort, code_problematic or string] not_applicable SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_DIFFICULTY_COMMENT[string] none SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CLASSIFICATION[practical,theoretical,hardware] practical SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CLASSIFICATION_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CORRECT_CODE_LOCATION[string] What you appear to have found and run is the DrRacket IDE but NOT the optimization coach. The coach is available as a package for the latest release, see The optimization coach has been re-integrated into the release due to demand, and it is available at the current snapshot release of Racket at which will become the next release. SURVEY:AUTHOR1:PUBLIC_COMMENT[string]
A repeatability study takes more than clicking on links and running make scripts or the resulting executables. See for example Casey Klein et al at POPL 2012 for a repeatability study that went into depth. When we ran this study, we spent almost two years with one PhD student per case study.

-- Matthias Felleisen SURVEY:AUTHOR1:PUBLISHED_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] yes SURVEY:AUTHOR1:SAME_VERSION[not_applicable, yes, no_but_available, no_and_not_available] yes SURVEY:AUTHOR1:SAME_VERSION_COMMENT[string] The original version remains available, but we maintain what we create and have released enhanced versions since the paper appeared. SURVEY:AUTHOR1:STUDY_FOUND_CORRECT_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] no