SURVEY:SUMMARY:BUILD_DIFFICULTY[not_applicable, reasonable_effort, code_problematic or string] reasonable_effort SURVEY:SUMMARY:CLASSIFICATION[practical,theoretical,hardware] practical SURVEY:SUMMARY:CORRECT_CODE_LOCATION[string] SURVEY:SUMMARY:PUBLISHED_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] yes SURVEY:SUMMARY:SAME_VERSION[not_applicable, yes, no_but_available, no_and_not_available] no_but_available SURVEY:SUMMARY:STUDY_FOUND_CORRECT_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] yes SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_DIFFICULTY[not_applicable, reasonable_effort, code_problematic or string] reasonable_effort SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_DIFFICULTY_COMMENT[string] C-Reduce depends on LLVM libraries, and thus, one needs to build a particular version of LLVM in order to build C-Reduce. In my opinion, this is the most difficult part of building C-Reduce. Building LLVM is not particularly difficult, though.We have gone to some effort to make it straightforward to build C-Reduce. Much of this packaging/documentation effort occurred after we obtained results for our paper, however. For example, the "current stable versions" have an Autoconf-generated build system, whereas the "pldi12-crc" tagged version does not. SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CLASSIFICATION[practical,theoretical,hardware] practical SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CLASSIFICATION_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CORRECT_CODE_LOCATION[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:PUBLIC_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:PUBLISHED_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] yes SURVEY:AUTHOR1:SAME_VERSION[not_applicable, yes, no_but_available, no_and_not_available] no_but_available SURVEY:AUTHOR1:SAME_VERSION_COMMENT[string] The software described in our PLDI '12 paper is called C-Reduce. We keep the source tree for C-Reduce in a git repository at GitHub.The tarball'ed version of C-Reduce at is the "current stable version," which was released after the PLDI '12 paper was published. The current stable version has improvements that are more than just "inconsequential bug fixes." The version of C-Reduce that was used to obtain the results in the PLDI '12 paper is publicly available via GitHub. That version is tagged: pldi12-crc.The web site you found ( has a link to the C-Reduce repository pages at GitHub. SURVEY:AUTHOR1:STUDY_FOUND_CORRECT_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] yes