SURVEY:SUMMARY:BUILD_DIFFICULTY[not_applicable, reasonable_effort, code_problematic or string] not_applicable SURVEY:SUMMARY:CLASSIFICATION[practical,theoretical,hardware] practical SURVEY:SUMMARY:CORRECT_CODE_LOCATION[string] SURVEY:SUMMARY:PUBLISHED_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] yes SURVEY:SUMMARY:SAME_VERSION[not_applicable, yes, no_but_available, no_and_not_available] yes SURVEY:SUMMARY:STUDY_FOUND_CORRECT_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] no SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_DIFFICULTY[not_applicable, reasonable_effort, code_problematic or string] not_applicable SURVEY:AUTHOR1:BUILD_DIFFICULTY_COMMENT[string] none SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CLASSIFICATION[practical,theoretical,hardware] practical SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CLASSIFICATION_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:CORRECT_CODE_LOCATION[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:PUBLIC_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:PUBLISHED_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] yes SURVEY:AUTHOR1:SAME_VERSION[not_applicable, yes, no_but_available, no_and_not_available] yes SURVEY:AUTHOR1:SAME_VERSION_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR1:STUDY_FOUND_CORRECT_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] no SURVEY:AUTHOR2:BUILD_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR2:BUILD_DIFFICULTY[not_applicable, reasonable_effort, code_problematic or string] not_applicable SURVEY:AUTHOR2:BUILD_DIFFICULTY_COMMENT[string] none SURVEY:AUTHOR2:CLASSIFICATION[practical,theoretical,hardware] practical SURVEY:AUTHOR2:CLASSIFICATION_COMMENT[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR2:CORRECT_CODE_LOCATION[string] SURVEY:AUTHOR2:PUBLIC_COMMENT[string] A 30-minute verification that an author's code compiles, runs, and prints the expected output is interesting but is not a convincing test of scientific reproducibility.

A better test of reproducibility of a publication's results would be to independently implement and measure the algorithm or system described. This would be unlikely to replicate any bugs or systematic measurement errors, increasing the meaningfulness of a positive reproducibility result. Negative results would also be more likely to provide technical insight and foster scientific discussion.

Note that publishing code is also a rather thankless task. Likely outcomes include:
(a) Nobody will look at it and you will have wasted your time.
(b) Anyone who looks at it will see that it perfectly matches the paper's specification (except for being MUCH harder to read) and won't have learned anything.
(c) Someone will try to use it, run into some kind of trouble, and bother you with annoying questions.
(d) Someone will catch some trivial bug, approximation, or limitation and use it to cast doubt on your results.
(e) Some professor will convince a naive first-year student to use your code as a starting point for their experiments and you will have contributed to that poor student's misery and anguish. SURVEY:AUTHOR2:PUBLISHED_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] no SURVEY:AUTHOR2:SAME_VERSION[not_applicable, yes, no_but_available, no_and_not_available] not_applicable SURVEY:AUTHOR2:SAME_VERSION_COMMENT[string] none SURVEY:AUTHOR2:STUDY_FOUND_CORRECT_CODE[not_applicable, yes, no] not_applicable